
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Curbing corruption !!! Myth or reality ???

Two major Government came to power on the issues of corruption recently in India's political history. Although other states saw power being changed to parties who promised to curb corruption. But one question lies, can it be really done ?

There are many reasons that fuels corruption. Let's first see the side from general public. Then we will move to corrupt Govt employees ( as it is a general notion among people).

So how is general public responsible for corruption you may ask. Remember the employees who are working were too general public before occupying the seat.

And next comes a message being spread all over messaging platform. A person gives TT bribe for a seat, then discussing corruption in the compartment. Just to avoid let's say fine RS 100 he gave RS 50 as bribe. It is the mindset of people. No one would agree, but even me did the same.

What else, a student belonging to SC/ST to get stipend by the Govt, he bribes someone for a fake income certificate (I don't know what's it Called exactly). Then he gets the stipend and of course enjoys the money. So let's call he bribed Rs 200 to someone and incurred a loss of Rs 20000 per semester. Wow, kids are growing with corruption. Hmm nice.

Now comes Govt scheme like our Indira Awas yojana. I don't know the eligibility, but I think a super poor is eligible to get it. But everyone knows who get it. OK, in the crowd of all corrupted, some people who really require it also gets. But at what cost ? He has to pay a bribe of Around Rs 3k for first installment. This is the ground reality. Now you may say, the money comes from Govt Directly to bank account. But a person is involved to pass the cheques to bank officials so that they can credit the amount to account. Without bribe, they don't pass cheques to bank. Now Who is responsible ? You may think, There may be a solution, the amount would come directly from Govt to beneficiary. But remember, the person who was passing the cheques will be responsible for identifying the beneficiary.

And much more examples of corruption exists in offices. Even if the senior officer is honest or the junior too, there are other people who influence things in office.

Why does a Govt officials take bribes 😵 ? Let's take example of a junior clerk joining job newly. What is his basic. 7200 + 100% DA + 10% HRA + other allwonces. With a grade pay of 2700 I think. And basic changes from year to year 😷
Still they need to extract money from people. Why ??? It is just the example of one employee, there are higher pay for higher officials. Some extract from public, some from companies for their lease agreement or passing things quickly.

While being kids, we were being taught at home, school, private coaching to stay honest, punctual , we were given examples of pneople who were honest. Although now-a-days, all of above mentioned institutions just want us to read as an ass (read donkey), and score good marks.

But what does change in span of some years. Its being said, what we learn as a kid, it stays forever. Of course we remember A B C D
......Z and 1,2,3.....0 . But what about the morals we were taught, how can people forget these ?

In one of his speeches, our beloved PM Narendra Modi said, "unko dar rahega na Modi ka, kaise WO corruption karenge ?" But it might last for 5 or say 10 years. But what comes next when he is gone ?

We have to make an habit of saying No to Corruption. Can we do it as an employee, as a general public, as a law enforcer, as a people elected representative ???

As a kid I have heard, Japan was poor than us when we got independence, but see them see us.

Are our next generation going to listen to this same lines while growing up and planning to settle somewhere around the globe leaving their home.

As our father Gandhi said,
"Be the change you want to see in world. "

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Waiving Child labour, reality or just in paper.

Hey readers, I know you have came across thousand of article about child labour. But one fact can never be denied that, in pen n paper it has become possible.

I am not saying waiving child labour system is impossible, but are the rule makers and civic society ready to implement it on ground level. Some would say, yes the system has been stopped in a great way. In reality, everyone knows that's not true.

But where is the problem. We have systems and NGOs who are hitting trumpet the have changed it.

Whenever you go to such a child, he or his parents would have a simple answer. OK we ll not send him to work, but who will feed his/her empty stomach. Oops, I forgot we have mid day meal scheme. So is it enough to give them breakfast and meals. What about the dinner. OK let's think, their parents should give it. KUDOS we have solved a big problem. We waived 100% child labour. Really !!!

OK now they are going to school, learning some stuffs. But what would they do once they come out of school. If u visit a rural area, and ask a kid to write his own name, they write it by difficulty. But where is the problem. We have given them food, education, and now they can't write their own name. Now comes most tricky part. What would they do when they exit school. No doubt, some 10 out of 100 kids do well in education and go for higher studies. Thanks to their parents teachers who have made them eligible for so.

Now let's talk about rest 90. What are they gonna do after school. Go to some workshop or somewhere they find a way to make their living. But what do they know. Those workshop/hotels have some well trained folks who are working and of course earning well than what a normal graduate could earn. So who is gonna keep them for work.

What I missed in above context is, family planning. Only a few people have the idea. Others just bang and produce whatever they can. Now after producing children, they realize that, they need to feed them. But u know, those people have less earning with which they could barely feel their empty stomach. So they have simple solution for these problems. Send them to work in a hotel to wash, or workshop to do minor helping works(later they turn out to be good mechanics of course). And some send kids to beg. Oh shit. What did I tell. Its reality.

I still can't figure out a perfect solution for waiving this system. But simple things might solve them. Educate those kids with real life things along with regular course, so that they can later make their living by what they r taught.

Educate those poor people about family planning, so that they produce 1-2 children whom they can take good care.

I don't know whether I focused my points all over. Let's hope for a better future for those kids.