
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Waiving Child labour, reality or just in paper.

Hey readers, I know you have came across thousand of article about child labour. But one fact can never be denied that, in pen n paper it has become possible.

I am not saying waiving child labour system is impossible, but are the rule makers and civic society ready to implement it on ground level. Some would say, yes the system has been stopped in a great way. In reality, everyone knows that's not true.

But where is the problem. We have systems and NGOs who are hitting trumpet the have changed it.

Whenever you go to such a child, he or his parents would have a simple answer. OK we ll not send him to work, but who will feed his/her empty stomach. Oops, I forgot we have mid day meal scheme. So is it enough to give them breakfast and meals. What about the dinner. OK let's think, their parents should give it. KUDOS we have solved a big problem. We waived 100% child labour. Really !!!

OK now they are going to school, learning some stuffs. But what would they do once they come out of school. If u visit a rural area, and ask a kid to write his own name, they write it by difficulty. But where is the problem. We have given them food, education, and now they can't write their own name. Now comes most tricky part. What would they do when they exit school. No doubt, some 10 out of 100 kids do well in education and go for higher studies. Thanks to their parents teachers who have made them eligible for so.

Now let's talk about rest 90. What are they gonna do after school. Go to some workshop or somewhere they find a way to make their living. But what do they know. Those workshop/hotels have some well trained folks who are working and of course earning well than what a normal graduate could earn. So who is gonna keep them for work.

What I missed in above context is, family planning. Only a few people have the idea. Others just bang and produce whatever they can. Now after producing children, they realize that, they need to feed them. But u know, those people have less earning with which they could barely feel their empty stomach. So they have simple solution for these problems. Send them to work in a hotel to wash, or workshop to do minor helping works(later they turn out to be good mechanics of course). And some send kids to beg. Oh shit. What did I tell. Its reality.

I still can't figure out a perfect solution for waiving this system. But simple things might solve them. Educate those kids with real life things along with regular course, so that they can later make their living by what they r taught.

Educate those poor people about family planning, so that they produce 1-2 children whom they can take good care.

I don't know whether I focused my points all over. Let's hope for a better future for those kids.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What should I write now ???

Hi friends,
I don't know what to write right now. But something will come in a day or two. Anything that will be penned down here will be an interesting one. so keep up. Have a fun filled life

Monday, May 12, 2014

Now die peacefully with #Google

Hello friends,
Once I had gone with a friend to one person. Actually he was working as a Insurance Agent. So while trying to convince the person to buy an insurance, he said something like this, "If you die sir, your family will insured". Something like this. But this  is not the context of this post.

Now coming into the post context, "Google gives you an option to die peacefully".

You might be surprised why die peacefully? Who would someone want to die soon ? But what if while travelling, the plane / train / bus /car or might be your beloved bike, you might face accident and die there. But just imagine, what would happen when you leave this earth with all your emails, photos, and everything in Google.

I don't know whether you have found it or not, but Google gives an alternate way to give your account credential to your loved one or trusted one (Sometime you can't  just trust your loved one or may be you have some extra affair which your loved one should never know). Or just in case You might want all that data to be deleted so that no-one can misuse your emails / details / images or whatever you have associated with your Google account.

OK, a question arises. How to do it ? I have answers for your questions.

  1. Login into your Google Account. You might want to get the link.
  2. You will get a page like this. But you have more 2 steps to go.
  3. Click on "Data tools" link. Or click on this  link.
  4. You will see INACTIVE ACCOUNT MANAGER. Click on Set up Inactive Account Manager.
Now you have to provide some details. i.e. Your email address, mobile number on which you want to be  notified before any actions taken on your account. I am showing this  step by step so that you don't have any problems while doing this.

Step - 1

Click on "Add mobile phone number". You will get an pop-up screen like this. Just provide the phone number and click on "Send Verification Code". You will get a code on your phone number and type in the box and click on "Confirm". If you have entered the correct code, then the number will be verified and the pop-up will be closed.

Step - 2

If you want to add another email, follow these steps. Or simply go to Step - 3.

Step - 3

This  step asks you about the time period for which your account should be shared with someone or Deleted from Google Server.

Select a specified time period from the list.

Step - 4

Now comes an important step, you should be cautious while doing this. (You might reveal some dark truths.. ha ha).
OK. If you want your details to be shared, follow this step. Else move on.
  • click on "Add Trusted Contact". 
  • Now you will see a box asking "E-mail address or Contact Name".  Just enter the email of person. And tick the check box quoting "Share My data with this contact". And click on "Next".
  • Now select the products which can be accessed by the trusted contact. You might "SELECT ALL" if you want.
  • One important part is giving contact details (Phone number ) of that contact for verification purpose at a later stage. And then click on Next.
  • A new box will appear. Enter some boring text or important like farewell messages just to scare him /her.
  • If you want to add another Trusted Contact just follow the above steps again.
  • Next step comes Set auto-response in Gmail. This is just like you set vacation mail in Gmail setting. (You are on permanent vacation, might be).

Step - 5

Optionally Delete Your Account.
I think this is the part most people will like. As no one wants their secrets to be revealed.

So, to do this just click on the red Button with "Yes". If you see No with grey background, then you are done.

All steps are complete. Now just click on "Enable" button at the end of page. And ta-da, you are done. 

Thanks for Reading this blog. If you like it, spread the word buddy. Others should have idea too.

For security reasons, Always enable 2-steps verification on Google.

P.S. You have complete control over your account until you are alive or forgot everything like Password, your answer to secret question. Then you are like dead anyway. So keep them handy always. And add your phone number to account setting to Retrieve Password in case you forget the password.

It might be noted that, all images shown here are purely Google products. I have nothing to do with them.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy friendship day

Hello dear friends,
Its been a great pleasure life with you all of you. Thanks for playing an important role in my life. A lot has been said about friendship. Have a nice day ahead of you.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Why should you have Ad Block Plus on your browser ?

Hi friends,
You must have heard of ad block plus for browsers and also android. Well if you don't know, it is a great tool for browsing internet without ads. Don't mistake it as a browser. It is just a plug-in which blocks almost all type of ads.

I have been referring this to my friends as it feels great to browse without any ads. But one of my friends asked me, "why should He use this."

OK, The pictures below will tell why should you be using ad block plus for your browser.

This is the snapshot of an article on TIMES OF INDIA browsed without ad block plus.

Same page with Ad block plus installed 

You can see no ads here on this snapshot.

I think you can understand the difference.

If you want to download Ad block plus, click here

The same has application for android too. But the problem is it blocks ad when you are connected through your mobile network. So keep rocking and browse internet without ads.

See you soon.

uninstall nation toolbar from chrome

Hello friends,
I believe you guys have been downloading most of the free software from CNET web site as it is believed to be the most trusted website for downloading software. Now this is past. It is adding crappy software to its safe downloader. although It is not the subject of this post, justbe aware of downloading from CNET.
Here are links of some geeks posted about CNET. Have a look.

Ok, nations toolbar was one of the craps came to my PC while installing software from CNET installer. It installed nations toolbar to all of my browsers. I removed from all other browsers, i.e. Firefox and IE. But I was stuck on chrome. 
It is very simple yet no one will think of that option. It installs a extension in chrome, so even after setting Google as your default search engine, it will keep searching in nations only. So uninstall it from extension gallery and you are done.

Take care fellas. See you soon.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rapportive : A must keep tool for Gmail

Hello readers,

As I was flying around the net, I found a great tool for Gmail which will tell you whether a mail address exists or not. Its Rapportive. 

So, how does it help you to find the mail address exists or not. But for that you need the following things.
  1. A Gmail account,
  2. Rapportive Extension installed on your browser.
    Click here for Chrome extension, click here for Firefox)
Whenever you recieve a mail or compose a mail, the add-on will search for the existence of mail id over the internet (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Vimeo, Linkedin etc).

And the add-on will generate a list of profiles fetched from the internet. 

Watch the video below :